2011年3月-至今, betway必威西汉姆联官网 教授
2012年9月-2013年3月 Clemson University, USA 访问学者
2007年7月-2009年2月 日本早稻田大学 博士后,客员准教授
2004年7月-2011年2月 必威 副教授
2001年9月-2004年7月 中国科学经理春应用化学研究所 理学博士
目前主要从事碳基荧光纳米材料的合成、生物成像、荧光探针、荧光分析及生物农药等领域的科学研究工作,并取得了一系列的研究成果。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、山东省重点研发、山东科技发展计划项目、山东省博士基金及教育部留学回国人员启动基金等项目。在Carbon,Journal of Materials Chemistry B 等期刊共发表高水平SCI论文60余篇;授权国家发明专利和日本发明专利3项。所指导的研究生获得研究生国家留学基金委公费留学资助、国家奖学金、山东省优秀研究生、百伯瑞研究生科技创新奖、“布莱凯特”杯科技英才奖,betway必威西汉姆联官网研究生学术论坛一等奖等荣誉称号。
1.Xiaohua Pan, Yan Zhang, Xiaobo Sun, Wei Pan, Jinping Wang, A green emissive carbon-dot-based sensor with diverse responsive manners for multi-mode sensing, Analyst, 2018, 143, 5812-58212.Chun Li, Jianru Zhao, Yanqiu Chen, Xiaoyu Wang, Xiaobo Sun*, Wei Pan, Guifeng Yu, Zun Yan, Jinping Wang, Carbon dots/rutin system for colorimetric and fluorimetric dual mode detection of Al3+ in aqueous solution, Analyst, 2018, 143, 5467-5473
3.Xiaohua Pan, Yan Zhang, Xiaobo Sun, Wei Pan, Guifeng Yu, Qiangqiang Zhao, Jinping Wang*, Carbon dots originated from methyl red with molecular state and surface state controlled emissions for sensing and imaging, Journal of Luminescence 204 (2018) 303–311
4.Yan Zhang, Jianru Zhao, Xiaobo Sun, Wei Pan, Guifeng Yu, Jinping Wang⁎, Fluorescent carbon dots for probing the effect of thiram on the membrane of fungal cell and its quantitative detection in aqueous solution, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 273 (2018) 1833–1842
5.Jianru Zhao Xiaohua Pan Xiaobo Sun Wei Pan Guifeng Yu Jinping Wang, Detection of metronidazole in honey and metronidazole tablets using carbon dots‐based sensor via the inner filter effect, Luminescence, 2018, 33, 704-712
6.Xiaohua Pan, Yan Zhang, Xiaobo Sun, Wei Pan, Guifeng Yu, Shuxin Si and Jinping Wang, The effect of carbon chain length of starting materials on the formation of carbon dots and their optical properties, Mater. Res. Express 5 (2018) 045603
7.C. Li, W. Liu, X. Sun*, W. Pan, G. Yu, J. Wang, Excitation dependent emission combined with different quenching manners supports carbon dots to achieve multi-mode sensing, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 263(2018) 1-9
8.Weijian Liu, Chun Li, Xiaobo Sun, Wei Pan, Guifeng Yu, Jinping Wang*, Highly crystalline carbon dots from fresh tomato: UV emission and quantum confinement, Nanotechnology, 28 (2017) 485705
9.Chun Li, Weijian Liu, Xiaobo Sun∗, Wei Pan, Jinping Wang, Multi sensing functions integrated into one carbon-dot based platform via different types of mechanisms, Sensors and Actuators B 252 (2017) 544–553
10.Chun Li, Weijian Liu, Yanjing Ren, Xiaobo Sun, Wei Pan, Jinping Wang*,The selectivity of the carboxylate groups terminated carbon dotsswitched by buffer solutions for the detection of multi-metal ions,Sensors and Actuators B 240 (2017) 941–948
11.Weijian Liu, Chun Li, Xiaobo Sun, Wei Pan, Jinping Wang,Carbon-dot-based ratiometric fluorescent pH sensor for thedetections of very weak acids assisted by auxiliary reagents thatcontribute to the release of protons,Sensors and Actuators B 244 (2017) 441–449
12.Weijian Liu, Chun Li, Yanjing Ren, Xiaobo Sun, Wei Pan, Yanhu Li, Jinping Wang*, Weijun Wang,Carbon dots: surface engineering and applications,Journal of Materials Chemistry B,J. Mater. Chem. B, 2016, 4, 5772—5788
13.Xiaobo Sun, Xiaozhe Jin, Wei Pan, Enmian Guo, Weijian Liu, Denghui Li, Kunchao Lu, Shuxin Si, Nianxing Zhang, Zhenzhen Jia, Yanping Shi, Qianqian Li, and Jinping Wang*,Highly Luminescent Carbon Dots Synthesized by Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis and Evaluation of Their Toxicity to Physa acuta,J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 16, 648-653 (2016)
14.Xiaobo Sun, Chen Zhao, Wei Pan, Jinping Wang*, Weijun Wang, Carboxylate groups play a major role in antitumor activity of Ganoderma applanatum polysaccharide,Carbohydrate Polymers 123 (2015) 283–28
15.Xiaozhe Jin, Xiaobo Sun, Guo Chen, Laixuan Ding, Yanhua Li, Zhike Liu, Zhijian Wang, Wei Pan, Chunhui Hu, Jinping Wang*, pH-sensitive carbon dots for the visualization of regulation of intracellular pH inside living pathogenic fungal cells, Carbon, 81 (2015) 388 –395
16.Xiaobo Sun, Xiaozhe Jin, Wei Pan, Jinping Wang*, Syntheses of new rare earth complexes with carboxymethylatedpolysaccharides and evaluation of their in vitro antifungal activities, Carbohydrate Polymers 2014, 113, 194–199
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,31572181,新型荧光探针法研究食药用真菌多糖生物合成与细胞内pH的关系, 2016.1-2019.12,主持,1/8,77.46万2.山东省重点研发计划,2018GNC110006,基于碳量子点的光活化农药的构建及应用,2018.1-2019.12,主持,1/6,20万
3.山东省科技发展计划项目,2014GSF121034,用于病原真菌和植物细胞胞内pH成像及测定的新型碳量子点荧光探针的合成及应用, 2014.7-2017.6,主持,1/8,10万
联系方式:13325026270;邮箱: jpwang#qau.edu.cn